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A summer camp for boys

Welcome to CAMP LANEY! We are a traditional overnight camp for boys, ages 7-15, established in 1959 and located in Mentone, Alabama.

Summer Camp Is Important for Boys

Today’s world is becoming more complex each day. Children are exposed to many different lifestyles and values and must choose among them. At Camp Laney we emphasize sportsmanship, teamwork, honesty, perseverance, truthfulness, loyalty, thoughtfulness, and kindness.

Our staff and program are directed toward helping each boy understand the importance of these values which will, in turn, help them lead a happier, richer, and more fulfilling life. Camp will provide your son with some of his most exciting boyhood memories. He will talk about his adventures for years to come.

Shaping Lives

Watch our video, meet the directors, and learn how we’re helping boys grow into men.

Why Choose Laney?

All three of our boys absolutely love Camp Laney. It is the highlight of their summer. I appreciate that they are able to spread their wings, push themselves, and have so much fun in a safe and supportive environment.

— Lori, Parent

Laney Staff

We believe there is no greater responsibility than caring for other people’s children. We emphasize to the staff that, as camp counselors, they take on many roles. They are the parent, the teacher, the coach, the mentor, and the example that boys need to help them to grow into fine young men.

Work at Camp