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Camper Drop-off
& Pick-up

Opening Day

  • Drop-off times for 1-week Junior Campers may vary.

  • Drop-off time on Opening Day for 2-week campers is between 9am & 12pm Central time.

  • Once you arrive at camp you will be greeted by a Laney staff member who will direct you to your son’s cabin.

The official camp schedule begins at 12:15pm when the lunch bell rings. Your camper’s day will go more smoothly if he is checked-in and settled in his cabin before that time.

Opening day can seem a little overwhelming for first-time parents and campers, so here is guide of what to do once you arrive.

  • Drive to your camper’s cabin and organize his bunk. A counselor will help you unload your vehicle.
  • If you have a balance to pay, come to the camp office in the main Lodge.
  • If you still have any forms to turn in, come to the camp office in the main lodge.
  • If you need to drop off medicine for your child, the nurses are on the back porch of the Health Center.
  • The clothing store is located across from the Health Center.
  • Organized games (Bombardy and Pitball) will begin in the gym and upper field at 10:15am.
  • Please feel free to walk around camp with your camper. At 12:15pm we will begin our activities.
  • The directors will be available in front of the Main Lodge to answer any questions and to say hello.
  • Restrooms are located next to the camp store and off the Junior Porch in the Lodge.
  • The Powerade/Water Station is located behind the Main Lodge.

Closing Day

  • Pick-up times for 1-week Junior Campers may vary.
  • Pick up time for Closing Day is between 9am & 11am Central time.
  • Once arriving at camp, a member of our staff will greet you and you can tell him who you are picking up. From there, you can drive straight to your camper’s cabin. The counselors will help you load your son’s luggage into the car.
  • Feel free to let your son show you around camp and tell you about his experience.
  • The Clothing Store will be open for any Laney gear you need before you depart.
  • If you left medicine for your child to take during his time at camp, be sure and stop by the Health Center to pick up any remaining medications.
  • If you are missing something, the lost-and-found will be by the Clothing Store.

If you need to pick your son up earlier, let us know so we can have him ready to go. If you are running late, please give us a call and we will let your son know so he will not be anxious.

The camp MUST have parental approval, including name and relationship to camper, via email, if someone other than the camper’s legal guardian will be picking him up.

The Directors will be around the Main Lodge on both Opening and Closing Days if you would like to meet them.

Can I bring my dog on opening or closing day?

We prefer that pets are not brought to camp on Opening or Closing Day. If you must bring your pet, we ask that you keep them on a leash.