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Meet the Directors

Rob Hammond

Director Emeritus of Camp Laney for Boys

Rob has been spending his summers at Camp Laney since 1961. During these summers Rob has been a camper, junior counselor, and senior counselor. He purchased the camp from Coach Laney in 1974 and became director. In 2023, Rob decided to change roles to Director Emeritus. He remains at camp to help advise and support the directors as well as work with Laney alumni in the off-season. Rob will also be involved in supporting the work of the Camp Laney Foundation. The foundation is raising money to award scholarships to families in need of financial assistance in sending their sons to camp.

Rob graduated from Vanderbilt University in 1971 and taught for five years at Darlington Lower School in Rome, Georgia. Rob, and his wife San, live at camp year round.

In 1974 I made the decision to make Camp Laney my life’s work. Why? I was eleven years old when I attended Camp Laney for the first time in 1961. When I arrived at camp I was a boy small for his age, who wore glasses, and was still dealing with the loss of my dad who passed away a month before I entered 4th grade. My camp experience forever changed the way I felt about myself. It was one of the best times of my life. I was introduced to new activities and experiences and came home with much more self-confidence. I developed friendships with boys and counselors from many different places and many of these friendships are lifelong.

I was a counselor for eight summers and was fortunate to have Coach Laney and many older staff as mentors. My experience as a counselor was equally as powerful as my experience as a camper. Being a counselor helped me develop a sense of responsibility and helped me learn to have empathy for others. Being part of something bigger than myself, and making a positive difference with campers, was tremendously rewarding.

Becoming director allowed me to continue being part of the team that creates the Camp Laney experience every summer. It is my hope that every boy who attends camp, and every young man who works as a counselor, will experience the same joy and sense of accomplishment that I did.


From (The Directors) Rob and Whitney, down to each counselor, to every CIT, I know that Laney brings together the type of person I want influencing and teaching my boys during those special weeks on the mountain.


Whitney Chapman


Whitney started coming to camp in 1977 and has never missed a summer. He spent these summers as a camper, junior counselor, senior counselor, and horseback program director. Whitney served as Assistant Director and Associate Director over the last 29 years. In 2023, he moved into the role of Director. He and his wife, Rita, live in Mentone, AL year round.

Camp Laney gave me the confidence as a child that I desperately needed and it reinforced the value system my parents taught me. Camp was also a great way for me to learn how to take care of myself as well as look out for others. As a camper, one of my favorite things was meeting people from all over the southeast and beyond. The friends that I made as a camper and counselor, and continue to make, have impacted my life in such a positive way.

As a child, you don’t notice how important certain events can be in your life at the time. As an adult, we can reflect on our childhood and point to moments in our lives that helped define who we are now. I know my experience at Camp Laney has helped me become the person I am today. For me to be able to influence a new generation of campers and counselors is an amazing blessing. This is the greatest job in the world!


Henry Skinner

Assistant Director

Henry started coming to camp in 2010 and has returned every summer since. He spent these summers as a camper, WCIT, counselor, head of the horseback program, and program director. After graduating from the University of Alabama in 2024, Henry joined as an assistant director. Henry lives in Birmingham during the offseason.

Growing up Camp Laney provided me with many new experiences and introduced me to many new people. Camp pushed me out of my comfort zone and because of that I was able to try new things and learn new skills, as well as meet people who would become some of my best friends. The people I have met and the lessons I have learned at Camp helped make me into the person I am today, and I will forever be grateful for that.

Joining as an Assistant Director, I am incredibly blessed to have an opportunity to give back to a place that has given me so much. It is a privilege to call helping the next generation of campers and counselors thrive at Camp Laney my job.
