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We know you have lots of questions about summer camp. We’ve done our best to anticipate a few of them, but please contact us if your question isn’t answered below.

Food & Health

What if my son is a picky eater?

We serve three balanced meals every day. Snacks, including fresh fruit, are offered twice during the day. If a boy does not like a particular meal he has the option of multiple cereal choices at breakfast and can ask for an Uncrustable PB&J sandwich at lunch or supper.

How do you handle food allergies?

All food allergies should be listed on the camper health form. Peanut products are not used in the preparation of the camp meals, but we do offer PB&J Uncrustables at lunch and supper and some peanut products are offered at afternoon snacktime.

Campers who eat a gluten free diet will need to contact the camp prior to arrival to discuss meal options. Parents of gluten free campers may need to provide some meals and snacks for their child.

Does my child need to have up to date immunizations to attend Camp Laney?

YES - All campers and staff are required to have up to date immunizations to attend Camp Laney. Only medical waivers will be considered. Contact the director if you have additional questions.

Do you have a camp doctor?

We have a camp physician and three nurses at camp during each session.

Should I take my child off his ADD or ADHD medicine before he comes to camp?

There are several activities at camp that require focus and attention to details for safety reasons (ropes course, riflery, archery, etc). It may be best to leave your child on his medicine. Please discuss this with your pediatrician and call us with any questions you may have.

Will I be notified if my child is ill or injured?

If your child has an extended stay in the Health Center, a member of our medical team or a camp director will notify you. You will be able to call the Health Center to check on his progress. In case of serious illness or accident, it is our policy for a director or medical team member to notify you as soon as possible.

Dekalb Medical Center is 20 minutes away and staffed with emergency doctors around the clock. The Floyd Medical Center in Rome, Ga (45 minutes away) has specialists on call as well as The Children’s Hospital at Erlanger in Chattanooga, TN (45 minutes away).

Cabin Life & Being Away from Home

Can a camper enrolled for a One Week session be a cabin-mate with a Two Week camper?

Since the programs for One Week and Two Week campers differ they cannot be in the same cabin.

How are cabin requests handled?

Part of the reason boys come to camp is to meet new people. Because of this, we try not to fill a cabin with boys all from one town. We try to honor at least one or two cabin-mate requests as age and grade allow (no more than one grade apart) and the parents of both boys make the request. Requesting to NOT be in a cabin with someone can be difficult and is NOT guaranteed.

Are the bathrooms in the cabins?

Yes. A camper’s privacy is very important. The bathrooms in each cabin have locking doors on all the showers and bathroom stalls. In our overflow showerhouses there are also locking doors for each shower and changing room.

What if my son wets his bed?

Campers should not feel embarrassed by something they cannot control. We do our best to handle this issue, keeping other campers unaware of the incident. If it is likely that your child will wet the bed at camp please notify us before he arrives so we can make his counselors aware.

Communication and trust between camper and counselor is very helpful in handling this issue privately. If a camper notifies his counselor that he has wet the bed, the counselor will wait until the cabin is empty and take the soiled laundry to the Health Center where it will be washed. Sending several pairs of sheets is a good idea for boys who consistently wet the bed.


It is perfectly normal for some campers to feel homesick. Most adjust quickly with no sign that they have experienced these feelings. Our staff are trained to help campers work through the anxiety of being away from home.

In the event a camper has more severe homesick issues we will contact the parents and work together to solve the problem. If you receive an “I am homesick” letter from your camper it is a good idea to call camp and let us know.

It is especially important that before camp starts, you do not tell a camper you will come get him if he does not like camp. Tell him if he wants to go to camp you expect him to stay for the entire session.

If you just got a “homesick” letter, we encourage you to read through our Homesick Packet (PDF).

Do you celebrate birthdays at camp?

We celebrate a camper’s birthday with a personal cupcake at lunch or dinner and take his picture celebrating with his friends.

Traveling to Laney

Does Laney pick up campers from the airport?

If your son needs to fly to get to Camp Laney please contact the office prior to booking your ticket to make sure the best day, time, and airport can be selected. A Laney staff member will pick up and drop off your camper. There is a $100 charge each way for airport transportation.

Where should I stay when I come to drop off my son?

For a list of great places to stay, we recommend visiting the Lookout Mountain Tourist Association.

What if my son needs to arrive late or leave camp early?

In efforts to limit the spread of communicable disease, late arrivals will not be permitted. We have also found late arrivals can be disruptive to the group and sometimes difficult for the late arriving child. Campers will not be permitted to leave and return during camp for outside events. Departing camp early is discouraged. Please contact the office at 256-634-4066 if you have questions.

Staying In Touch

Can I email my son?

Parents may send one-way emails by logging in to their CampInTouch account and purchasing Camp Stamps. Each stamp can be used to send an email to your camper.

Can I come visit my child while he is at camp?

Visiting a camper during his session is not allowed unless there is an extreme circumstance and is approved by a director.

What is my CampInTouch account?

When you sign in to the Parent Login you will be taken to your CampInTouch account. From here you can see what forms we need for your camper, make payments, print statements, email your child, see daily photos, and more.

What is the address for sending mail?

Camper’s name and cabin name or number (if you know it)
Camp Laney
PO Box 289
Mentone AL 35984

Your son will be so happy to receive mail from home!

Package Policy

Camp Laney has a NO PACKAGE POLICY.

Please send letters only in a #10 envelope or smaller. NO PACKAGES WILL BE DELIVERED. This also applies to items dropped off at the mail room on opening day. Please notify friends and family of this policy. Packages, oversized envelopes, and padded envelopes will be returned to sender and/or given back at the end of camp.

An exception to the policy is made for birthdays celebrated at camp and in the case of forgotten items. If your son has forgotten an essential item and you are sending it, please notify Whitney at

If you need to send a package via FedEx/UPS please use:

Camper’s name and cabin name or number (if you know it)
Camp Laney
916 West River Road
Mentone, AL 35984

When we drop our son off at camp each year, there is a comforting feeling knowing that he is going to be in a safe environment that will challenge him socially, physically, and spiritually.



Should I give my camper some money to bring with him?

Campers DO NOT need money while at camp. The camp tuition INCLUDES $25 that your son may spend at the Great Stuff camp store. The store sells shampoo, deodorant, stationery, batteries, Frisbees, playing cards, and more. Camp clothing is only sold on opening and closing day with the parent present. The Canteen Store snacks are also included in the cost of camp.

How much do I owe at registration and when is the balance due?

$700 per camper is required at registration. There is another $700 February payment. The balance of the tuition is due in May. Please call us if you have any questions.

Counselor to Camper Ratio

We have a ratio of approximately 1 counselor to every 5 campers.

Where do campers come from?

Most of our campers are from the Southeast. We also have several campers each summer from all over the United States (and occasionally beyond).

Have a Question?

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