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Packing for Camp

What to Bring to Camp

What NOT to Bring

  • Cell phones
  • Tablets
  • Video games
  • Pets
  • Hockey / lacrosse sticks
  • Baseball bats
  • Personal archery equipment
  • Climbing gear

E-Readers are allowed but are not permitted to connect to the internet or cellular networks.

Possession of firearms, the use of alcohol, non-prescription drugs, or tobacco in any form is not permitted at Camp Laney. Violation of this policy will result in dismissal from the camp.

Camp Trunks

Having a camp trunk is not required but it is recommended. We suggest going to and purchasing “The Happy Camper” model. It is a little more expensive than a Walmart type trunk but it will last a lifetime. We have a camp code we can give you to save a little money. The code is trail451NY


Cabins are equipped with bunk beds for the campers. Top bunks have guardrails. Arrive early on opening day to ensure a top or bottom bunk if it is important to your child. Twin size sheets will work and a matress pad is a good idea. Campers make up their bed daily so some “veteran” campers like to bring a sleeping bag to make that task a little easier. Since we are on Lookout Mtn., nights can be cool or warm so prepare with light and heavy blankets.


Laundry will be sent out once during the Two Week sessions. It will not be sent out during the One Week sessions. It usually takes laundry one or two days to return. Send what you think your child will need for the period of time he stays.

Marking & Packing

Campers should be equipped with serviceable but inexpensive clothing. Old clothes are great for camp. Every article of clothing, including socks, must be marked with name tapes or permanent marker so it will not be erased by the laundry. No article will be sent to the laundry unless it is plainly marked.

Helpful Hints

  • It is a good idea to tape a list of articles brought to camp on the underside of the footlocker lid.
  • Involve your child in the packing of his gear for camp so he knows what he has and where it is.
  • It could be fun and helpful to let your child keep his clothes in his camp trunk a week or so before camp so he can familiarize himself with the contents.