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All campers rotate through our eight daily activities listed below.

Adventure Sports

Mountain Biking, Bouldering, & Climbing

Campers rotate between three activities at Adventure Sports — mountain biking, bouldering, and the climbing tower. After a safety orientation, staff take campers on several biking trails that run through the woods of Camp Laney. At the bouldering complex campers spot each other while developing their climbing technique. The thirty-two foot climbing tower has eleven different routes that test the camper’s endurance and climbing skills.


Archery and Riflery are definitely some of the more popular activities at camp. Boys love the instant feedback they receive from hitting their target. For some campers, it is the first time they have ever held a bow and arrow or air rifle, so safety rules are taught and stressed by trained staff. Campers gain confidence by hitting the target and qualifying for the different levels of patches offered at each activity.

Horseback Riding

All ages participate in the Horseback program and have the opportunity to ride every other day. Campers begin in the ring and are taught safety and basic Western riding skills. When the instructors feel a camper can safely handle his horse, he progresses from the ring to supervised trail rides. On non-riding days campers can learn the parts of a horse and the tack used in riding. Campers also learn how to groom and feed the horses. By learning about horses and demonstrating their riding proficiency, campers can earn one of four patches at Horseback.

Project Adventure

Project Adventure or “P.A.” contains both lower elements (near the ground) and upper elements (in the trees). Campers learn balance, trust, and teamwork on the lower elements — the Spider’s Web, Mohawk Traverse, and Nitro Crossing. These lower elements are also “ice breakers” that are designed to help campers get to know each other. It is where many friendships at camp begin.

Campers then advance to the upper elements starting with the Bonsai three-line bridge and V-swing. Other upper elements include the Zip Line, Trapeze, Multivine, and “Kamikazee”. These higher elements are what truly challenge campers but it is “challenge by choice”. Campers can opt out but they are encouraged by the staff to push themselves out of their comfort zone. A camper’s confidence can really grow at this activity which is why it is one of the most popular at our summer camp.

All ropes course activities are conducted with proper safety equipment by trained staff.


Campers participate in numerous swimming exercises, play water basketball, and other aquatic games during their activity time. The most popular activity at the pool is the water slide, which has two different slides: The twisting slide and the speed slide. By completing various skills campers also have the opportunity to earn different aquatics patches. There is a free swim at the pool before lunch and supper.

Swimming at Camp Laney is supervised by American Red Cross certified lifeguards.

Team Sports

Football, Softball, Basketball, & More

Major sports focuses on both traditional games of touch football, softball and basketball, as well as Laney games of Zookerball, Tennis Baseball, Bombardment, Gladiator, and Nukem. Fundamentals and rules are taught; sportsmanship and hustle are stressed. Periods of instruction are brief, but individual help is given by staff when needed. The two teams, the Apaches and Comanches, compete daily for points. Points are awarded throughout the session and the team that earns the most points by the end of the 2-weeks wins the session trophy.


There are three major games at the Tennis activity; Tennis, Badminton, and Ping-Pong. Camp Laney has three hardcourts. Campers are instructed in the basics of the game – serve, forehand, backhand, rules, and keeping score. Counselors give group and individual instruction.

During the tennis activity, campers may play ping-pong and badminton. Tournaments are held in all of these activities.


Camp Laney is located on the Little River. On our part of the river there is very little current. The campers are taught basic water safety and must wear life vests. The waterfront is operated under the buddy system and supervised by certified lifeguards.

Basic canoeing strokes are taught and trips are taken up and down the river.

The most popular waterfront activity is the waterslide. It is 100 feet long and runs from the top of the hill all the way into the river. During supervised free swims campers can also play in large fun tubes, Sandpipers (sit-on-top kayaks), and go off the rope swing. Older campers can use the Hydrobikes and take trips up the river.