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Summer Camp Counselor

Camp counselors live in the cabin with the boys and are with them during morning watch, all meals, rest hour, and overnight.

It is a counselor’s responsibility to get to know his campers so he can help guide them through the session. He also does his best to keep his campers safe and see that they are taking care of themselves (showering, brushing teeth, eating well, and seeing the nurse if necessary).

Every camper comes to Laney a little homesick or nervous. The best part of working at Camp Laney is helping these campers overcome their fears and seeing their maturity grow every day. I wouldn’t trade my Camp Laney experiences for anything.


During the day, camp counselors work at one of eight activities, with two off-periods per day. Counselors receive three off-nights during a session (6pm-12pm) and a day and a half between sessions.

The job of a camp counselor can, at times, be stressful. It is essential to have the physical, emotional, mental, and social health needed to be able to effectively fulfill the responsibilities of the job.


Please allow 20-30 minutes to complete this application. You may stop and save your application at any time during the process.

Before beginning the application, please read the following.

Staff Orientation is MANDATORY for all first-time counselors. The dates for our 2025 orientation is May 23-31.

This information is required in the application process. Do not begin application until you have all of the following.

  • We are seeking applicants for the role of cabin counselor that are currently in their senior year in High School or of College age.
  • All personal information including: current & home address, phone number, and email
  • Basic education information
  • Any previous camping experience (as a camper or as an employee) including previous camp’s contact information and the name of the director you worked under
  • Employment history
  • Past jobs and their specific contact information
  • Any current certifications held & corresponding expiration dates including: CPR, first aid, lifeguarding, archery, riflery, horsemanship, etc.
  • Three (3) to five (5) references. Please use employers, teachers, coaches, religious leaders, etc. Please do not use family members, friends, fraternity brothers, etc.

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