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Why Camp Laney?

Camp Laney’s Mission

  • To provide each boy with a carefully supervised, exciting, and fun experience.
  • To help each boy develop close friendships.
  • To encourage in each boy a sense of security and self-confidence.
  • To foster wholesome habits of day-to-day group living.
  • To inspire appreciation for the ideals of others.
  • To assist each boy in the development of values and strong character.
  • To increase each boy’s physical abilities.
  • To develop each boy’s appreciation of nature.
  • To help each boy realize the closeness and importance of God.

The aim of the camp staff is to steadfastly uphold these objectives and to give each boy personal attention and guidance. In turn, the campers are expected to be loyal, truthful and honest, and to demonstrate good sportsmanship at all times.

It is our further hope that at the end of the camp session, Camp Laney will return to you a happy boy who has had a safe, fun, and adventurous experience, and has advanced in the art of Christian living.

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